Synyster Gates Chest Tattoo Resource
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Best Answers
What does Synyster Gates Tattoo on his chest say? If you know any thing else about him or anyone for avenged sevenfold that would be great thanks.

Waltz For Venus 08 replied: "It kind of looks like it spells 'fiction' in the first link below. The second link leads to wikipedia, which has info on teh band, and members."

what is the tattoo of on Synyster Gates's chest? What is tattooed on Syn's Chest? I cant make it out!! Syn is my fav A7x guy and It bugs me that I don't know what it is. I don't want to copy it, I just can't stop tryin to figure it out.

Angelus replied: "he has a tat on his chest?? i never knew that!!! its prolly the deathbat though. maybe."

Lana B replied: "why? did you want to copy it?"

criss steele replied: "I can't figure it out myself but I do know it's someone's name in blue on the left side of his chest."

Does anyone know what the tattoo on Synyster Gate's chest is? Every picture I have seen of Syn without his shirt shows a tattoo on his chest on the left side. But it is never in focus and is always blurry. Does anyone know what the tattoo is? And no, it's not cause I want the same one... It's just that I am a very curious person and it is killing me that I have no idea what it is. I think it is a word or something but I cant make the thing out.

sagechck replied: "The fiction going down or the grim reapers at the top?"

ohmamita replied: "some guy with a hat on kissing a baby,the reaper is on the right innit ?"

kittenkT replied: "it actually says "blue blood" across his chest, please don't question me because i know for sure and he doesn't like taking his shirt off because he has his last name on his back but he doesn't like it."

dying_is_my_latest_fashion replied: "it says Blueblood. i'm not sure why he has it though or what it means. i gave you a can kind of see it..."

Does Synyster gates of Avenged Sevenfold have a tattoo..? on his chest.? im arguing with my friend that he does not.. if he does can anyone send me a pic?

Cait replied: "I know for that fact that he does. It says "blue blood" backwards. I have a pic but i have no clue how to send it to you. its saved on my computer."

Synacky = ♥ replied: "He does, yes. I'm not sure what it says but he has it. Y!A won't let me post the link to the picture! WTF! To see it, go on photobucket and search iLoveBrianHanerJr3 There's only two pictures... you'll know it when you see it. He looks so hot in the pic.,"

Does anyone know what the tattoo on Synyster Gate's chest is? *He is the lead guitar of Avenged Sevenfold. I dont want to know to get one myself. I'm just a very curious person and in every picture it shows, it is out of focus or blurred. It is on the left side of his chest and kinda looks like a word or something. please, if you know what it is, answer.

xlexi_leex replied: ""

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